产品发布---Mesothelin & MPF ELISA, Antibody, Proteins
Mesothelin & MPF ELISA, Antibody, Proteins
Sensitive and specific new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for N-ERC/mesothelin increases its potential as a useful serum tumor marker for mesothelioma | |
Because mesothelioma initially progresses on the surface of the pleura and peritoneum without forming masses, it has been difficult to diagnose at an early stage. It would be very useful to identify a tumor marker that could be used for screening to enable more diagnoses to be made at an early, treatable stage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We had previously identified N-ERC/mesothelin as a potential biomarker for mesothelioma. In the current work, we used a newly developed ELISA system to gain data on N-ERC/mesothelin levels in various clinical settings. A total of 102 healthy volunteers were recruited. In addition, 39 patients were diagnosed with mesothelioma, 53 patients were diagnosed with diseases that should be distinguished from mesothelioma, and 201 subjects were diagnosed with asbestos-related nonmalignant diseases (including simple exposure to asbestosis) who were treated at any of the cooperating hospitals were enrolled. RESULTS: Serum N-ERC/mesothelin levels measured by a new ELISA system showed that the median values from patients with mesothelioma were extremely high compared with levels obtained from other patients. Analysis in terms of histologic type showed that serum levels of N-ERC/mesothelin were elevated in epithelioid type mesothelioma, especially. In four important models of clinical settings, the sensitivity and specificity of N-ERC/mesothelin were about 71% to 90% and 88% to 93%, respectively. CONCLUSION: N-ERC/mesothelin is a very promising tumor marker for mesothelioma, especially epithelioid mesothelioma. |
Higashiyama M, Ito T, Tanaka E, Shimada Y. Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Dec;14(12):3419-27. Epub 2007 Sep 26. | |
Lmpact of Renal Failure on the Tumor Markers of Mesothelioma, N-ERC/Mesothelin and Osteopontin | |
BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the characteristics and effective use of tumour markers for mesothelioma is essential for early-stage diagnosis of mesothelioma. We examined whether renal dysfunction influences blood concentrations of promising new tumour markers, N-ERC/mesothelin (N-ERC) and osteopontin (OPN), to an important degree. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Levels of serum N-ERC and plasma OPN in 32 patients with chronic renal dysfunction, 22 of whom were on hemodialysis (CKD group), and 102 healthy volunteers were measured. RESULTS: Serum concentrations of N-ERC and plasma concentrations of OPN in the CKD group were significantly higher than those in volunteers, regardless of diabetes status and age. Blood concentrations of these markers increased as renal function decreased. CONCLUSION: N-ERC and OPN concentrations are significantly influenced by renal function. Therefore, the extent of renal failure must be considered when inferring the existence of tumours and chemotherapeutic response from the values of these markers in routine practice. |
Shiomi K,, et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Mar 1;14(5):1431-7. |
2023年2月21日 14:59