英文名称:Human Endotrophin (ETP) ELISA Kit
规格:96 T
厂家:Aviscera Bioscience
Endotrophin (ETP) — A New Biomarker of Fibrosis, Inffammatton, Coronary Artery Disease, Obesity, Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.
Endotrophin (ETP), A Biologically Active Peptide, was cleaved from the C-Terminal Globular domain (C5) of Collagen VI A3 (COL6A3).
Human Endotrophin ELISA Kit and High Sensitivity Endotrophin ELISA Kit manufactured by Aviscera Bioscience enable to measure the ETP on serum, plasma and cell cultures.
Human Endotrophin (ETP) ELISA Kit
Code No.: SK00009-06
Size: 96T, 192T and 288T
Standard Range: 250 ~ 16000 pg/ml
Sensittvity: 50 pg/ml
Caliberatton: rh ETP (HEK293)
Speciffcity: Human
Sample Type: Serum, Plasma
Intra-CV: 2-5%
Inter-CV: 4-8%
Aviscera Bioscience focuses on development of reliable monoclonal anttbodies recombinant proteins and immunoassay kits for neuroscience, cardiovascular diseases, Inffammatton Cancer and metabolism research.
Features of New Products: Endotrophin, Irisin/FNDC5, Asprosin, BDNF, Sorttlin, ECP, Myonecttn, ACE2, Neprilysin, LOX-1, Plasma Gelsolin, CD320, CD209, CD73, FAM19A1, FAM19A5, FNDC4, Pro-BMP7B, Isthmin-1, and more